Useful Links

A map of BGA Turning Points (NB, from about 2017)

This map of BGA Turning Points includes the ability to set a task.

A really good article on Threat and Error Management (TEM)  by Arthur Gatland (New Zealand)

The following talk by G Dale is very interesting.  It talks of his experience baling out of his glider after a mid air collision in the Club Class Nationals.  As it happens, I was a couple of km away, heading into the same (crowded) thermal at the time - I saw a glider spinning down in the middle of the gaggle, and shortly afterwards, a parachute opening.  He told the story in the bar that night.  It's worth any glider pilot watching and reflecting on.

This video is very interesting in that it shows just how easy it is to lose site of the tug on an aerotow.

Flying faster

There's a nice set of notes here on the Black Mountains GC website on a talk Sarah Kelman of Cambridge GC gave in 2006 on how to fly faster.

Flying a glider with an engine

Dave Nadler has written a good article about how to operate with an engine which you can find here.

There's also a very good talk on the design and manufacturing problems with glider engines below.

Landing with the wheels up

Here's a fascinating example of an aircraft landing wheels up (at Megeve altiport).  All down the final approach you can here the undercarriage warning alarm.  It's a good example of how hearing gets lost first when the pilot is loaded up.

How to use Adobe Fill and Sign

I find this product really useful for filling in forms.  Here's a page on how to use it.

The law on using the radio as a glider pilot

This is a frequently asked question.  Here's a page on it.