Sign up for the course
The winter 2024 course will run between Tuesday November 12th 2024 and Tuesday December 17th 2024 inclusive. Each session will be via Zoom, starting at 1930 and running for up to 2 hours.
To register for a place on the course, please click here
Please give your full name and normal email address. This will save much confusion later.
If you're registering as a coach, please select 'coach' as the answer to the fifth question ('Role on the course'). If you're already registered, just email me at
If you are already registered from a previous course, and would like to repeat the course, mail me at and let me know.
Once you have registered (or notified me if repeating the course), you need to do two things to finalise your sign up:
Firstly, if you are a student rather than a coach, you need to pay the course fee of £30 which you can do at this link.
Secondly, everyone needs to register for the Zoom sessions at this link. Zoom will then send you the link you will need to join the course sessions. If you haven't used Zoom before, it would be worth practicing - but it's fairly straightforward.
In both cases please use the same email address that you registered for the course with (the one this email was sent to). Otherwise I can't connect the various parts.
There's plenty that you can do to get a good start before the formal part of the course begins. Go to the course materials page on the website and start working through the material. In particular, try and learn the material in the pre-reading section, and watch at least the first few videos (Parts1-3).