Assistant Instructor Course
The requirements to be an AsCat can be found on the BGA website here. For convenience, I've copied them below:
Note that you will need CFI approval to start the course, and an assessment by a Flight Instructor Coach (FIC) is needed to get that approval.
You will need to arrange to attend a Teaching and Learning Module. This is generally run by a BGA coach, and usually can be done online.
Training can then either be done by club based FICs, or by going on one of the BGA run courses.
BGA Assistant Instructor Rating
Minimum age 18 on application, and
Hold the Bronze and Cross-Country Endorsements (or SPL), and
Minimum of 75 hours pilot in command in sailplanes, including 100 launches, and
Recommendation by CFI, and
Completion of BGA Approved Instructor Course, and
Assessment by a BGA Regional Examiner, and
Acceptance test by the CFI, and
Within 18 months of acceptance by CFI, completion of a BGA instructor course Post Course Review
Instruction of students as authorised by the CFI. The privileges may only be exercised on a particular launch type where the launch type instructor privileges are held. Additional launch type instructing privileges may be added by a BGA Flight Instructor Coach or BGA Regional Examiner (logbook signature).
The rating card is issued by the BGA on receipt of the completed application form.
Revalidation (ratings lapse after 12 months unless revalidated)
Recommendation for revalidation to the BGA from the CFI based on:
A refresher* within 5 years of the date of revalidation (signed entry in the instructor’s logbook), and in the 12 months prior to revalidation
at least 5 hours or 15 launches solo** in a sailplane (excluding TMG) and
at least 10 hours or 20 launches PIC gliding instructing in a sailplane/TMG. Where the requirement at b. has not been achieved, alternatively an assessment of competence by a BGA Regional Examiner (logbook signature) may be carried out.
Recommendation for revalidation as a BGA assistant rated instructor from the CFI based where holding a valid FI(S) certificate with sailplane instructing privileges and required recency.
Ratings may be renewed by application to the BGA following an appropriate level of refresher training as agreed with the SRE and:
At least 10 hours or 30 launches pilot in command in sailplanes in the previous 12 months, and
Assessment of competence by a BGA Regional Examiner, and
Recommendation for renewal by the CFI
A rating card is issued by the BGA on receipt of the completed application form.
The details of the course can be found in the form below. It's that form that should be printed and used as the course record.

Once the course is completed, to apply for the rating, you need to fill in BGA Form 1. (Use Adobe Fill and Sign and email it).