Flying and me

I'm a cross country glider pilot flying from Cambridge Gliding Club.  I fly an HpH Shark Jet .

I'm a BGA Full Cat Instructor with an MGIR - FI(S) and TMG, often instructing in a K21.  See here for a flight which the student videoed.

I'm also a Regional Examiner in the Eastern Region and currently CFI of Cambridge Gliding Club.

I teach TMG Extensions for the SPL, navigation and field landing skills, and carry out Cross Country Endorsement tests on the SF25.  I also teach cloud flying skills for the BGA Cloud Rating and EASA Sailplane Cloud Flying Rating.

Sometimes I give Scouts introductory flights.

I  spend a month or so most years mountain flying in the Alps.   If you want an introduction to mountain flying down in the Alps, the RAFGSA do it well, here.

I rather like the video you can find on the links page showing a pass of Mont Chaberton.

I'm also a tug pilot and fly the Robin DR400.  I do a little tug pilot checking and coaching.

I have a PPL and until recently had an Instrument Rating and a share in a Mooney 201 which I used to fly IFR around the UK and in Europe.  I'm a member of PPL/IR Europe which I can recommend to anyone with any sort of instrument qualification.